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Commonly referred to as 'Lizard Men', they are bipedal humanoid-like
reptiles from a 3.6 G world. They are very strong, though they tire easily
in the relatively thin dry air of normal worlds, as they are used to high
heat and high humidity. Their armoured leathery skin appears green-grey in
the shade, but shimmers iridescently in bright sunlight. On the right is a
picture of the Mogensen ambassador when they first contacted the Terran's
during the Terran War with the Korhonen.
While Mogensen are technically omnivorous, they tend to be more carnivorous. They are cold blooded, and their activity level decreases as the temperature drops. However, as long as they do not freeze solid, then they have no lasting ill effects from exposure to cold, returning to normal activities once warmed.
Their life span is an average of 2 Mogen years, about 150 Standard years. They reach sexual maturity at 0.15 of a year (11.25 Standard years), and "old age" begins to set in at about 1.3 years (100 Standard years).
Mogensen only reproduce one month a (Mogen) year in the late summer, when the Gobus tree bears it's fruit. Eating a ripe gobus fruit causes a drug-induced state of euphoria which triggers the mating urges. Without the gobus fruit there are no mating urges, and physically no sexual ability.
Royalty do not lay their eggs in the wild, but in hatcheries within their castle walls.
Gobus trees have been replanted throughout the Protectorate. Where local climate prevents them from growing naturally, they are cultivated in greenhouses. The fruit from the homeworld is highly prized, but is surpassed in quality by that from 3 other planets.
No royalty has been known to posses psionic abilities in centuries. Only serfs develop psionics, and the reason for this baffles all Mogensen scientists.
Those regular Mogensen that do develop psionics are usually hired immediately by a royal family, and end up living a charmed life in the service of their lord.
Customs and traditions are very important to Mogensen.
While technically an empire, the Mogensen's name for their region of space is "The Mogensen Protectorate".
The Mogensen Protectorate is a feudalistic autocracy. All power and authority rests with the Emperor. The Protectorate exists through a series of feudal lords, but all authority essentially leads back to the Emperor. The Emperor secretly fosters and encourages rivalries between the royal houses to prevent them allying and over throwing the throne.
The Emperor rules for life, and is succeeded by his eldest offspring, or closest surviving family member (if no children). However, this succession is often interrupted by the family houses allying and placing support behind a different person. While this alliance occasionally happens during an Emperor's reign, and a replacement is crowned, rarely will an Emperor be replaced and live. Poison, assassination, and intrigue are common place.
Those people who do not belong to one of the royal families will be serfs, and usually end up working for one of the royal families. Being a member of a royal family entitles you to own land, which leads to power, money, and prestige.
See also...The homeworld of Mogen (see Language for translation) is the 7th planet of 9, circling a single class B V blue-white main sequence star. Orbiting at a distance of 38.6 AU, this 11,979 Km diameter metallic planet is an earthlike greenhouse. Planetary density of 7.6 gives it a 1.30303748 G. With only a 3 degree axial tilt, the seasonal variance is minor. Average temperature is 49 degrees, with average low and highs of 38 and 60 respectively. The atmosphere is dense (1.37 Earth normal), and very humid (86% humidity). The surface of the planet is mostly tropical jungles. Though 60% is covered by water, there are no large bodies of water, just many rivers and small seas. The day is 21 hours long, and the year is 75.83 Earth-years long.
The planet has ample organics, gemstones and crystals. There are plentiful supplies of radioactives, heavy metals, and industrial metals. Light metals are extremely plentiful, and are often exported. Rare minerals though, are almost non-existent, and are a major import.
Beyond the system is an unusually sparse Oort cloud, making comets very rare.
Each Royal family has it's own dialect, and it carries the family name. The "official" dialect is that of the currently reigning Emperor.
There are many familiar words consistent to most, if not all, dialects however, and a few are shown below. For a complete listing, including pronunciation, phrases, and the origin of the words, refer to "Crawford's pocket translator, Mogensen version".
Word | Lit. Translation | Meaning |
Ackso | To gamble | 2nd planet. God of games and contest, named for it's teasingly hard to see in sky. {Grammar} |
Adric | none (name) | 5th planet. God of war, named after Prince Adric |
En | Holy or Sacred | Added as suffix to denote sacredness |
Hittal | Ale or Beer | 8th planet, gas giant. God of drink, also name of most popular alcoholic fruit drink |
Kemple | (roughly) Clan | A grouping of royal families. There are 4 Kemples. |
Mog | Mother | |
Mogen | Sacred Mother | Name of home planet |
Mogensen | Child of Mogen | One from that planet |
N`Orris | N`=large | 1st moon of Mongen, Big egg |
Orris | Egg | 2nd moon of Mongen, Little egg |
Pavan | none (name) | Asteroid belt between 5th & 6th planet. The Goddess of Love. Named after a long dead Princess, spouse of Prince Adric. |
Ravel | none (name) | 9th planet, God of music |
Sen | Child | |
Uma | none (name) | 4th planet, Twin God of Death & Depression |
Uman | none (name) | 6th planet, Twin Goddess of Death & Depression Legend holds that Uma and Uman circled Prince Adric and Princess Pavan until killing Pavan. They now keep watch over Adric, where he goes, they follow. |
Once jump technology was developed, there was a period of rapid expansion. Lords encouraged people to become colonists through offers of cheap rent and large land leases, or occasionally by gun point. Families built ships as fast as possible to expand their power. It was during this time that many smaller families merged or where swallowed up by larger ones.
No Mogensen ever keeps pets. Non-sentient life forms are considered food. No animals have ever been used for protection (what are you going to use for protection when you are a 6 foot, 200 kg lizard!), or as beasts of labour.
While one might get the impression that the Mogensen Protectorate is a vast and powerful empire, that would be imprecise. While still able to wield a vast military force, the political structure is on the point of collapse. Years of decadence has stagnated the empire's growth, and over-taxation has decayed the empire from within.
Most royalty, and most wealthy, would prefer spending their days partying, than actually DOING anything.
The empire is not expected to survive another century at it's present rate. Political unrest grows daily, as the serfs are continually taxed higher and higher. Only military might has kept the lower classes in check to date.